Friday, August 28, 2009

Our farewell party

My children hosted our going away party. It was awesome. I really miss them a lot. I look forward to the day they come to visit us in Malaysia. At the party, there were tears, laughter, dancing, a beautiful cake and great conversations. The best feature was having everyone there, together, interacting in harmony. What a day! I'll never forget it! Thanks guys!

This was the karaoke session.
Stars were born that evening!
Celine & Francois jumped through employment hoops to manage enough time off to drive seven plus hours and be at our party. My dad and Liette drove five plus hours to join us as well. It meant so much to me having them there. U guys rock!
Chanty & Rick let us stay with them for our last two months in Canada. We raided their fridge, drank their drinks, kept them up late, cluttered their garage with plastic bins and played Rock Band, and they let us do it! That was seriously great. We miss them a ton along with our good "deck chats".

My good chum, good pal and awesome brother-in-law Rick, a real mans man!

We were blessed with a beautiful cake as well.
It was the most unique cake I have ever seen and it tasted awesome. Thank you guys.

This is the "Wanna Be" mafioso family I left behind. They threatened to
Fit me with a pair of cement galoches if I left,
I said "Bring It" and I split!
On a safety note,
Amy and I purchased a smoke alarm for our condo,
it's the best one on the market!

Our Friends

We met Jim and Shelley at the Sheraton during our first week in Eden and we have become good friends. We love hanging out with them. They're fun and we get along naturally, we can be ourselves. Jim knows everything about IT, it's awesome. Amy and Shelley are like twins when it comes to the way they think, sometimes it's scary man.
We took a trip to Kuala Lumpur with them and another very helpful friend, Steve Wise.
This is Steve and that cute English teacher, she happened to be there that day so I kinda chatted her up a little, she is quite smart and really funny. I think she likes me a bit.

Talking about friends, we really miss Brian and Kim. This is the last picture we took on Canadian soil. They drove us to the Sheraton at Pearson and we spent our last moments with them. I'm looking forward to a good hug from my Halo pal and Kimmer.

Teaching in Paradise/ Missing my Loved Ones

I never believed the day would come when I would return to the front of a classroom, well it happened and I'm loving it. My employer here is Taylor's College. I teach Business Leadership to pre-university angels, yes angels. I have zero discipline problems, in fact the only problem I have is to get my students to talk in class, you know, ask questions. They are so quiet, humble, shy and eager to learn. It seems surreal at times. I love planning because I know that I will be able to teach my whole lesson, everyday, no exceptions.
This is where my planning happens, and it's serious business! The picture on the right is my "V", I miss them. This experience would be perfect if they were all here to enjoy this with me.

I work with this very cute English teacher as well, this is her at her desk. She wears this awesome perfume, it makes me weak in the knees.
I think I'm gonna ask her out soon, what a doll!

Taylor's is great place to work. The staff, both locals and expats are fine people. Anytime I need help, I just ask and it's done. My department head is Rowena. She is so helpful, funny and full of zest for life. We have been out on the town with her and her husband. They're a very nice couple. We have been sent on an all expenses paid trip to Rompkin. Team Building was the theme. We had a blast! Paintball, Karaoke, a little dancing, team performances, good food and horseback riding, well actually it was horseback sitting because the guide led the horse while I sat there like a five year old boy. I hope nobody saw me.

This is Taylor's and that cute English teacher, what a cutie!

Sometimes I forget things because I'm so excited, so I write them in my new Palm Pilot!