Sunday, November 8, 2009

Zoo Negara Malaysia

Amy the brave. Yes, that's a Python, a huge Python, wrapped around her body.  This snake weighs 50 kilos. It began wrapping itself around Amy's neck. At one point, she withered as it slithered at her face.  She enjoyed the experience and none of the other teachers took on the Python. Goooooo Aimers!

Slithering Slimey Slug!

I was gonna let that swamp beast wrap himself around my body but my pants were warm and wet...So, I let Amy have the spot light.

We chaperoned our students to the Zoo Negara near K.L. They rose early this morning, 6:30 am, to head to the Zoo. They all volunteered 8 hours of work at the Zoo to fulfill their required community hours for grade 12. Some shovelled elephant dung while others did all sorts of odd jobs throughout the blistering heated day.

Us teachers who accompanied these dedicated students, spent the day wandering around the zoo. We got some cool shots of some cool animals. After this picture, I wrestled that beast to the ground and stole his lunch. I showed him who's boss!