Saturday, October 29, 2011

No More but Plenty,
Michel De Lottinville
October 29, 2011

No more month but plenty of money to spend
No more war but plenty of peace to impart
No more pain but plenty of healing to offer
No more hunger but plenty of food to share
No more strife but plenty of harmony to go around
No more loneliness but plenty of hugs to give
No more homelessness but plenty of homes to fill
No more road but plenty of energy to run or walk
No more racism but plenty of acceptance to mete out
No more criticism but plenty of optimism to voice
No more complaints but plenty of appreciation to speak
No more frowning but plenty of smiles to wear
No more conflict but plenty of communication to put forward

No more, let’s say it together!
No more let’s hope for it together!
No more let’s dream of it together!
No more!  Why Not? 
Copyright 2011 Michel De Lottinville