Friday, August 28, 2009

Our Friends

We met Jim and Shelley at the Sheraton during our first week in Eden and we have become good friends. We love hanging out with them. They're fun and we get along naturally, we can be ourselves. Jim knows everything about IT, it's awesome. Amy and Shelley are like twins when it comes to the way they think, sometimes it's scary man.
We took a trip to Kuala Lumpur with them and another very helpful friend, Steve Wise.
This is Steve and that cute English teacher, she happened to be there that day so I kinda chatted her up a little, she is quite smart and really funny. I think she likes me a bit.

Talking about friends, we really miss Brian and Kim. This is the last picture we took on Canadian soil. They drove us to the Sheraton at Pearson and we spent our last moments with them. I'm looking forward to a good hug from my Halo pal and Kimmer.

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