Sunday, April 4, 2010

Redang Island

Amy decided to grow her hair long again. With her tan, the pink hair piece and those eyes, she looks good.
We took a trip to Redang Island with Tom and Ann. It was like an Eden on earth. A beautiful spot that Amy found for us. Shelley and Jim Dale also joined us for our March break. I was ill for the first three days, busting headache and stomach cramps. Once it passed I was good to go...but it was time to go home!

Amy, in her new Barbie Girl look, and Asia's version of Wyatt Earp. Actually, I don't think they had sunglasses like those ones way back in Earp's day. So that would make this a picture of Amy and a wanna be "cowboy". There...that's more like it eh?

Amy's morning sunrise photo. She got up early and took a number of awesome sunrise photos. I think she will be the new team photographer...I'll take up a new hobby...basket weaving with rose stems. Now there's a prickly feat.

It is love!

Why am I dancing in the kiddy pool you ask? Yes that's the kiddy pool. I was not allowed to swim in the adult pool because my shorts were too LONG. Yes you read it right...too LONG. They had to be above my knees to swim with the adults. They even offered to rent me a pair of shorts.
Redang beach and our resort!