Thursday, February 11, 2010

Macarena Cambodia Style

Chantalle in Siem Reap and a little Macarena with a couple of tourists, I tried to join in but I could not multitask at all. The whole hand movements and dancing at the same time didn't work. I can either move my hands OR dance...not both.
Some shots you just gotta take. What a sweetheart!
In Ko Lanta, at the Castaway Beach Resort, this local, seemingly gypsy beach merchant, came by everyday, hoping someone would by his hand made art. It was between 28-32 degrees everyday, look at the attire. That's what "need" can do to a person. I bet he'd happily accept a job at Tim Horton's or McDonalds.

Negotiations in Chinatown (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) are a riot; though we are never disrespectful to the vendors. The vendor usually sets his/her first price at about 5 times what you end up paying. So the games begin. You come back with a really lowball price, the vendor says " Cannot Lah", which means " Listen you western, hustler, I'm not budging from my price unless you start walking away, then I'll chase you and take your best offer, which is my worst price"..."Ok Lah". Then we exchange a smile; two competitors who know they will meet again. In this photo, the vendor just hit Amy with the proverbial high price for an item she esteemed; notice that “ I don’t think so" look on her face...or maybe she was thinking
"Cannot Lah".

Life in Cambodia!

Home on Cambodia's Tonle Sap River. That's it...this is home for them!

The local corner store...on the river. Imagine doing business like this, everyday! Tonle Sap River, Cambodia.

A carpet of dried shrimp, in the middle of the street; this batch will feed the community. Upon our arrival, my sister was the first one to "enter" town. Busy looking at the homes on stilts, she walked right onto their food supply. A smiling Cambodian man, yelled and pointed down while make an eating motion with his hands. He smiled again as my sister hustled in a backward walk, after crushing a bit of their shrimp supply. It was a tad funny after the fact, but she felt bad. No one steals from the supply which is left to dry in the sun.

City on stilts, hand tied together; during the rainy season, the water will rise to the base of those homes, then the people live in boats until the water level drops again. That little girl, on the bottom right of the screen, will not be walking there when the rain comes. The water will rise to four times her height, right where she stands.

Batu Prayer

Rick prayed to the Gods that we wouldn't make him climb those stairs behind him..the Gods were sleeping that day.

The Royal Palace in Thailand