Monday, February 15, 2010

Cement Galoches...Yikes!

I'm heading back to my old hood around June 19. I think the boys from my old crew are looking to fit me with a pair of cement galoches because I left.
Well...BRING IT I say, cause I'll be packin some Malaysian Durian Fruit...the smell alone will make them "book it" quicker than Bill Clinton during a Monika Lewinsky deposition. See ya soon fellas!

Valentine's Day 2010 KL Malaysia

Valentine's Day was simply the best for us. We went down to KL., watched the Chinese Dragon Dance. They leapt around these small pillars...yikes. Two guys manhandled a dragon suit as they jumped around these very small platform areas, in sync. It was awesome!

From there we, spontaneously, walked by the Red Box Karaoke club. So...naturally we checked it out. Well needless to say, we signed up for a three hour, private session which included two free drinks, a buffet meal, three microphones, and an amazing song list in a sound proof booth to ourselves. We sang our valentine's hearts out for three hours.

We left our karaoke session and went to Chinatown, our favourite spot in KL. We played rummy, sitting at an outside cafe (Malaysia style) and did some people watching. Then we joined Steve and Pam at the No Black Tie club and enjoyed some of the finest Brazilian Samba Bossa Nova while sipping Cosmopolitans’. What an awesome day. We concluded our lovers day by coming home and watching some good old "Frasier" until we both fell asleep on the couch.  It is Love!!!!