Thursday, October 8, 2009


I rode my moped along the beach,
it was awesome!

This picture was taken
from our Condo at 7:00 am.
It seemed like the building was afire
but it was actually the
sunlight reflection into it's windows.
I really need a good camera!
I love photography.

I know...You've seen the Luna Bar,
but this is another angle.
Swimming pool, waterfall and
the Petronas Twins in the background.
Isn't this unique?

The beautiful flag of Malaysia!

Malaysian sinks. A nice, unique touch
to the whole bathroom experience.

Does this look like an exit sign to you? Exactly!
I walked around the mall one night, for an hour,
looking for a standard RED EXIT sign.
None to be found.
I later found out that Keluar means...
well you know!
I felt like "Da, UM I'm a Westerner".