Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Funny Amy

Amy is blessed with a fantastic
sense of humour.
She's witty, always happy and she can say the funniest things anytime and anywhere.
She always has a "one liner" ready to go.
Amy has made me laugh a thousand times since I met her, with her wit and humour.
Recently she dropped a line that I must share.
It obviously relates to Forrest Gump,
a character and movie I admire. 
It went like this
"A classroom is like a box of chocolate,
you never know what your gonna get!"
Now say it with that accent Forrest used.
Look at that smile, I love my Aimers!

I slugged a shark

If you look closely, you'll see that Mr. Shark is missing a tooth. Yeah....I slugged him right in the mouth while we were visiting the aquarium, I caught him trying to nibble on Amy's ear. I don't think so!

Festival of Lights

The festival of Divali or Deepawali is popularly known as the "festival of lights", the most significant spiritual meaning is "the awareness of the inner light". It is celebrated here in October. It's an official holiday in India. My research efforts to understand exactly why this holiday is in place has taken hours and amounted to pages of different explanations depending on the site. Anyhow, isn't this beautiful. This display lies on the mall floor, made of coloured sand
carefully placed to create a colourful Peacock.