Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My First Blog - Malaysia, my New World!

Welcome to my blog and welcome to my new world. I'm an optimist, so you won't find any whining or complaining here. This experience is awesome. I departed Canada, my home and native land, with my soulmate & sweetheart, AMY!

Ooops,that's not her.... Hold on......there she is

So, as I said, I left in search of peace, a new experience, a job I love and some adventure. I found them all...and then some! We arrived in this warm and welcoming country on June 27th, 2009 and the honeymoon has not ended yet. It may well come to an end, but so far, no end in sight. The honeymoon is actually my teaching experience. The students, all grade 12 level, are like angels. Seriously! They're always respectful, they want to learn, they love to laugh and get this, they always say "Thank you sir" at the end of every lesson, every day, now that's amazing eh!