Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Asia Cafe

This is our daily lunch spot. Jim, Shaun and I come here for lunch almost everyday, unless we decide to go Western and hit McDonalds or Pizza Hut. This place must have 80 or so different eating spots.

Art in the Sand

Now chuckle if you wish because I'm no artist but, I sure had fun doing this. Shelley and I walked the beach and collected these cool shells. I decided to try my hand at beach art and Carlsberg induced photography...and voila. Easy on LOL eh!

Dancing Around

This is Jim, doing some fancy foot work around another "pit" along our route to lunch.

Aim and Fire Toilet

Some of the toilets here are the old AIM & FIRE style, a hole in the floor. If your aim is bad well...you get the picture. The good thing is that there's a hose to clean your shoes. Mind you, if you come out of there with wet shoes, people know exactly what happened.

Rubik's Cube Anyone?

Today, I teamed up with YiJazz and Eddy, two of my students and we taught a Rubik's Cube seminar. Two people completed the cube in a little over an hour. We have our second session tomorrow. It was fun to see their excitement when they finished the cube.

Deep Holes

I wasn't kidding about the deep holes in the ground everywhere you walk. If you don't keep looking down, you go down...deep! And there are nice big fat juicy rats in there waiting for some western lunch.