Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wasaga Memories

My niece Morgan.
She is full of energy, zest and she is very intelligent.
That's my sis Chanty in the background sipping coffee..
I think it's coffee.

My daughter Kelli is working two jobs very dilligently. She has always worked hard.
She truly understands that nothing is free and nothing comes easy. I'm very proud of her efforts.

The two "best" friends I have ever seen
Aimers & Kimmer. They just love each other, they are tight like sisters.
I love the energy and commitment
they have toward each other.


Langkawi tour guides. Youth and wisdom. Unity!
It was awesome to see these two working together.
They strolled the beach selling their island tours.

A snuggly moment,
one of many,
we are having a nice time bonding here.

This picture says it all!

Sitting at the Luna Bar.

Ghost and Luna

The Luna Bar on the 33rd Floor of the
Pacific Regency in Kuala Lumpur.
Open air, no roof, nice breeze, good friends
and a monster size Strawberry Daiquiri.

Yes, I'm still trying my hand at photo art.
Between sand art and flowers
I really like it.
I think I'll buy a good camera at some point.
Yes...These photos are protected by copyright.

I met my friend Casper in Chinatown, KL.
He doesn't say much but
he's quite a happy fella.
At the bar he ordered a
White Russian but they had already left.