Saturday, December 11, 2010

Terry Fox 2010 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Three teachers accompanied 50+ students to the annual Terry Fox Run here in KL. Our students earn community volunteer hours as clean up crews, route marshals, and t-shirt sales people. They are studying the grade 12 Ontario Curriculum and are required to complete 10 community service hours. It's always an honorable moment, for me as a Canadian Terry Fox enthusiast, to hear the Malaysian organizer, promote the heart and spirit of our great Canadian hero. I'm always so proud of him. The t-shirts this year are awesome. A huge # 30 on the back with Terry's picture neatly located inside the numbers. A sea of blue left the starting line. It was very moving and quite amazing. I love being part of that event. Our CPU students always represent us so well. They do a great job volunteering their time to the cause of cancer here in Malaysia. All funds collected here are donated to the SIME DARBY CANCER CENTRE, located minutes from my home.
Terry Fox is such a humble and well spoken young man.
I'm always so impressed with his spirit and humility.
 Proudly representing Taylor's CPU and 
the cancer research effort.
It's simply elating.
 A line dance for Terry Fox.
 We are looking up at Terry who is looking down at us, 
hence the smiles. He gave us the 2 thumbs up.
Tim directing traffic.
 Let the race begin!
 Now these are the rules pushing, 
or sleeping on the route. Ok lah?
I see a sea of blue...cheers!
 A collective workout before the run. Everybody dance now!
 Our Canadian High Commissioner's representative to Malaysia.
 Our CPU team of excellent student volunteers.
 Don't worry, we found the run.

Beautiful Wisdom

Talent is God-given, be thankful,
Praise is man-given, be humble,
Conceit is self-given, be careful.
Tony Dungy
2010 Leader Cast Broadcast
Taylor's College, Malaysia

My sister Kimchel

OK...OK, I'm out with it already. I have a ninja twin sister...
THERE! Ahhhh what a relief.

The Highland Towers Disaster - Malaysia

I just watched the History Channel's documentary about the The Highland Towers Disaster. On December 11, 1993, the apartment complex came crashing down, killing 48 unsuspecting people. I offer my sincere condolences to all the families who lost precious loved ones. 
As I watched, I was once again reminded of how quickly our lives can be erased, the when and how always unknown. It's important to live for the moment. If you love someone, tell them today.  If you miss someone, tell them today. If you forgive someone, tell them today. If you like something about someone, tell them today. There's nothing worse than standing graveside, wishing you had said this, or wishing you had done that.
My beautiful mother Brenda, left this world in a flash at the age of 47. I stood graveside, filled with unsaid words and feelings. 
My awesome brother Johnny, aged 19, was taken from our family in moment. I stood graveside, filled with unexpressed words and feelings.
Tell them today because graveside is too late.

Keepsakes & Mementos

In grade eight, Melinda won the French award. Proud moment.
There is nothing more powerful than a keepsake or a memento, to remind us of past events, moments, actions, or words that have blessed our lives. A photo, a hand made card/gift, a letter,  a concert ticket stub, a note, a gift, or a piece of clothing. Anything that represents an event, a moment, or a person, is worth saving, permanently. I have a big green bin in which I store such mementos. Some are 20 years old, some are as recent as yesterday. When I look at these mementos, I remember the person(s) involved and I'm reminded that I matter to someone. I always feel good when I have a sit down and review my mementos. Start building your bin today.
Kirsti made this bookmark for me some 16 years ago. 
Kim & Brian sent us a package and included among many other awesome gifts, this bottle of sand. They went to our home land, Wasaga Beach, scooped up sand from the beach, bottled it, and sent it to use in Malaysia. Isn't that a beautiful gesture. We will keep that bottle forever because it reminds us of how much we matter to Kim and Brian.
July 2010, dancing with my niece Morgan. 
She has the spirit of ten Queens. 
Anchoring up to go para-sailing. 
It was a moment I'll never forget. 
Bungee jumping is next!

Moments in time!