Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fish Nibbling Foot Massage

I paid $12 canadian dollars to stick my feet in a tank full of
fish for 1 half hour, and allow them to nibbled away the callous on my feet.
They nibbled off at least 1/8 of an inch...seriously! I was there! 
It was an amazing, eerie feeling to have live beings nibbling away at my ticklish feet.

When I dipped the heel
of one foot into the water,
they would all rush
over and begin the nibblefest.

There they are.... having a grand feast
on hard earned western callous!

When I dipped the heel of both feet into
the water, they would separate
into two, almost perfect teams
and begin the nibblefest again.

Our First Car Experience

Amy the Brave! That's right. She rented a car and drove like a Pro here today. We have wheels for the weekend and that will set us free. Driving in Malaysia is quite an experience. One needs nerves of steel and eyes all the way around ones brain. Amy drove like a local. Jim and Shelley were there to enjoy our first driving experience with us. It was fun and we had a few good laughs. They drive on the left side of the road and the turn signal button is also on the left side of the steering wheel. So Amy kept trying to signal with her windshield wipers. Way to go Aimers, we are quite impressed!