Saturday, August 7, 2010

Penang staff trip...very nice!

Our employer, Taylor's, sent us on our second, all expenses paid weekend trip. This time we enjoyed Penang which is situated in the north-west section of Malaysia. We crossed a 13.5 km long bridge to reach Penang. The bridge is called the Penang Bridge...imagine that! I met my twin in Penang.

A bit of meditation in Penang. The Buddha behind me was tickling the back of my neck. I had a tough time staying focused on my meditation word which was "tickle". I think Buddha read my mind.
The head of a turtle sticking out of the water. A nice "zoomed" photo.  Isn't he cute?
Yeah...I'm note quite sure what's going on here. Is it a team building event? Are they posing for photos? Are they playing turtle rugby? Or is it a mating match? However, it was a cool shot.