Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Miracle Rescue 911

As we came around a sharp corner on our way to Cameron Highlands, we were met by a small crowd of people waving at us frantically. A car had just gone over the cliff. Yes, those are the tire marks.
I jumped out of our car and yelled "Has anyone gone done yet?" Not a soul had gone. I changed into my sneakers and rushed down the 85 degree slope hanging onto twigs and old tarps as I slid down the side of the cliff. For all I knew there could have been children or adults in that car. I knew that time was critical if anyone down there was badly hurt. As I headed down, I was sure that I would find mangled bodies. The cliff was so sharp and the car was way down. All I could see was the back end. When I say cliff, it was a cliff.

In the centre of that foliage you can see a speck of a blue shirt, that was one of the men who had been tossed from the car. When I arrived at his location, I looked at his forehead and it was bashed in because he had hit the windshield, knocked it out and was ejected from the car on his way down. I checked him for broken bones and asked how many other passengers. The car was another 70 feet down a 90 degree cliff. As I looked down, I saw another guy crawling out of the wreckage. I could not believe my eyes. These two guys were alive.

In this photo I was making my way down to the other guy. His eye was cut wide open. Blood was leaking from his eye. I checked him for broken bones as well. He was good, but very dizzy and he looked like he was gonna faint. I sat him down, told him to relax and checked his cuts. I was still shocked that these two guys were alive. The car was a mangled pile of metal and these guys walked away from it. I was also glad that I hadn't come across death, I was quite thankful.

I kept yelling to the people at the top to send rope and eventually a man had a long, strong rope in his car. He tossed the rope down, I tied it around each of these guys and ushered them up the cliff side.  As we were climbing, it began to pour rain. We made it to the top and they kept thanking me. I kept saying " I'm just glad that you're alive". One fella kept holding my hand as he shook, staring into my eyes, speechless. I stopped at the crash site on our way back. I took this photo to somehow show how steep and how far down this car dropped. It still moves me when I  see their faces in my mind. Bloodied, shaken, but alive.  What a miracle!

Ugly Goon

I attract the strangest people man!
First it was that chick from Aruba,
Then Casper in Chinatown
Now this bug-eyed goon,
all gums and a pair of teeth.
Not to mention his hard head,
he wouldn't listen to a word I said.

Yikes...another sidewalk

No matter where you go,
these deadly sidewalks are in effect.
One foot placed in the wrong spot
and you're sucking your
lunch out of a straw for months.

One minute you're having a
nice chat as you stroll along
the sidewalk in Cameron Highlands.
The next minute someone is
scraping your skull out of the gutter.
It's like that old saying,
Heads up! Or Heads off!

Tea Please

This is what tea looks like before it's
processed into those
little brown sacs we soak in hot water.

Tea Plantation

We visited the BOH Tea Factory
in the Cameron Highlands.
It's one of the two main tea farms.
It is awesome to see acres upon acres of tea bushes.


A bed of tea!

A valley of tea!

Another beautiful view of the tea plantation!