Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Highland Towers Disaster - Malaysia

I just watched the History Channel's documentary about the The Highland Towers Disaster. On December 11, 1993, the apartment complex came crashing down, killing 48 unsuspecting people. I offer my sincere condolences to all the families who lost precious loved ones. 
As I watched, I was once again reminded of how quickly our lives can be erased, the when and how always unknown. It's important to live for the moment. If you love someone, tell them today.  If you miss someone, tell them today. If you forgive someone, tell them today. If you like something about someone, tell them today. There's nothing worse than standing graveside, wishing you had said this, or wishing you had done that.
My beautiful mother Brenda, left this world in a flash at the age of 47. I stood graveside, filled with unsaid words and feelings. 
My awesome brother Johnny, aged 19, was taken from our family in moment. I stood graveside, filled with unexpressed words and feelings.
Tell them today because graveside is too late.

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