Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Toronto Star Article

What a stunning story. That our Charter of Rights – which draws a clear line in the sand between what is acceptable by police and what is not in the course of performing their duties – has been ignored is frightening. That two judges actually defied the very law that they pledged to uphold is appalling.
At a time when our justice system is justifiably under scrutiny (most recently, charges against six Toronto police officers were stayed due to the length of the process), these Ontario Court of Appeal judges decided to condone illegal police activity. When the majority concluded that the public was willing, in this case, to accept Charter violations committed by the officer, they made a huge error in judgment.
At no time is the public willing to accept Charter violations.
Michel De Lottinville,
Wasaga Beach, Ont.
Published February 14, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does this guy know it's not an article but a letter?? What a buffoon!