Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Canada...home again! Ahhhhhhh

Melinda, Jazz and Ella.
M & M, hanging out.
Kim and Amy; best friends for ever and ever amen! What an  awesome friendship they enjoy. And they're cute too!
Amy's first sip of Timmy's Coffee after a full year without it. The fella in the car directly behind her, was looking at her as though she was nuts...until I explained that we had been out of our 'Home and Native' for a year, then he sighed and completly understood.
I think my sister was happy to see us back in Canada!
Awwwwwww...what a nice auntie and a sweet baby!

Lexie, our up and coming beautiful Canadian...

They made me wear this or I couldn't get any food. 
...Yeah ok, I vote for Lexie, she's much prettier.

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