Friday, February 12, 2010

Moby Dick & Tartar Sauce

Our outfits almost matched at the Royal Palace in Thailand.
He looks much sharper than I do!
Yeah...these chickens are alive, driving to their destinty...a plate, knife and fork..or fingers...or chopsticks...depending whom they visit. The ones closest to the muffler kept trying to raise their head away from the heat. I guess you could call it a practice round for what's yet to come. This was a sight to see!

We were hunting Moby Dick on the Tonle Sap. When I told our tour guide how big Moby Dick is, he asked me to drive. Rick sat behind me, navigating me right into MOBY DICK's direction. We felt so brave that day that I packed the tartar sauce in my pocket.

I looked far and wide, but no sign of Moby Dick. He was afraid! I guess the locals let him know that Rick and I were in town to kick some whale behind. Moby scampered, like the weak whale that he is.

I left my heart in Angkor Wat...That's all I have to say about that!

This is sunrise, six thirtyish; it only got better by the minute.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Angkor Wat looks INCREDIBLE!

Gotta feel for those chickens. The guy on the motorcycle wouldn't think he was so tough if he tried that with a half-dozen pigs! :P