Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fish Nibbling Foot Massage

I paid $12 canadian dollars to stick my feet in a tank full of
fish for 1 half hour, and allow them to nibbled away the callous on my feet.
They nibbled off at least 1/8 of an inch...seriously! I was there! 
It was an amazing, eerie feeling to have live beings nibbling away at my ticklish feet.

When I dipped the heel
of one foot into the water,
they would all rush
over and begin the nibblefest.

There they are.... having a grand feast
on hard earned western callous!

When I dipped the heel of both feet into
the water, they would separate
into two, almost perfect teams
and begin the nibblefest again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG you are soooooo brave!!!
Hmmmmmm, maybe I would have tried the fish eating thingy... ewwwwwwwww

Happy Thanksgiving to both of you and giant hugs from Mom and I.
Luv's ya