Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Children

I try to call home as often as time allows and talk to my children. I miss them quite a bit, I really wish they were here with me. My son Mitchell is planning a possible move to BC at this point. He works full time at Tim Horton's. A new adventure is always a good choice. This is Mitchell and Heather.Follow your creative instinct Mitchell and all will be well.

Melinda, my avid reader, works at Subway while attending school full time. What a load, what dedication, but as we know, education creates opportunity and good income. Teacher's and doctors have the rare opportunity to travel the world and work abroad. Go Aminda Go! I'm cheering for ya!

James is working on his B.A. and eventually his B.Ed. His goal is to become a History or Political Science teacher. He has a natural passion for world events and political history. He spent three years in China teaching English. A natural teacher, I look forward to sitting at the back of his class one day. Two thumbs up James! You'll do it!

Kirsti is the "hooked" traveller, having spent six weeks in Europe, she is eager to see more of the world. A Licensed Real Estate Agent, Kirsti possesses excellent social and people skills, she can sell anything! Quite artistic as well, she has painted some fine art that has been displayed in her high school.

Kelli is our family caretaker. Always taking care of everyone and making sure they are OK. She works in Manitoba dealing with children with special needs. She is very well educated, very bright and loves taking on challenges. Kelli has no fear of adventure. She has been to Ireland and a few other places.

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