Sunday, January 16, 2011

Impaired Driving test in Singapore

 The roadside DUI test is quite easy in Singapore. All you need to do is walk for 5 meters, between the two lines on the road. The pass rate is 99.9%.

If it's a really busy night, the officers ask you to remain in your car, and then drive between the lines. They can process more drivers that way. Again, a very high pass rate.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Computer Boredom

Okay! So I was bored. On the top left is the new computer; one piece. All the rest of those items are parts of an old computer. I was very curious to see how these things are assembled, so, I gently trashed it, and voila. It was fun! I can't wait for my new computer to surrender it's spirit.  :)


The star holding a star

French Malaysia

I've been here for a year now and just recently noticed the French Quarters in Subang Jaya. Wow! Now I can 'Parlez-vous' wit dose French folk. Um very appy about dat OK la.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

More Singapore!

I strolled around this store. Things were kinda hanging around.

Amy lost her glasses so I got her a pair that she will never lose again!
Our motto for 2011!
She's got the whole her hand!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Singapore...Organized & Clean.

Singapore is whole new world. Clean, organized and balanced. I felt out of place. I need a touch of chaos in my life. This photo is exactly what you think you are seeing...a boat atop 3 hotels. 

Amy met some guys on the street and was allowed to share their meal. They never even budged while she dug in!
There was this guy pointing people to the Middle East.
There's only one way to celebrate Christmas!
I told these guys lame jokes and everything, hoping they would share their food. Not a chance. Amy had better luck. It must be the 'cute girl' thing. I think they were dissing me in their native language.