Sunday, March 14, 2010

My quotes

Drama should be something we have no control over, not something we create. 
Mimic the heart of a child.
There is no worse feeling than standing graveside; wishing you had said this or done that.
You're the author of your life so write the happiest, most fulfilling book you can imagine. You only get to write one book, make it count!
Life is awesome, optimism is a choice,
forgiveness is a choice, regret is a choice.

Staff Game Night!

After a half day of parent/teacher interviews, we hooked up for a games night. This is the Texas Holdem table. I lost my shirt and then some, but we had a good time. A few people cashed out some "extra funds" while some of us made a donation.

Below, is the Settlers of Catan game "box" area. I don't know how to play but it seems like a blast. John, Michael, Christina and Lindsay are hacking it out.

The Wizard group played a few rounds under the fan, near the aircon while we sweat it out at the Holdem table.

Tom and Anne in KL

Tom and Anne smiling at the Luna Bar with those beautiful twins behind them. It looks like only one tower, but there are absolutely two. Seriously...I was there, I saw them.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Coming Home!

We arrive in Toronto on June 19th. We are quite excited. Three weeks in Canada, many people to see. My children will be a priority. James is in China, we are hopefully going to hook up either in Malaysia or in China before Amy and I head to Canada, our home and native land. My job is still awesome, the honeymoon has not eroded at all. The students are exemplary here; no such thing as classroom management issues, discipline or any other issue. 70 Minutes of class time involves a full 70 minutes of teaching/learning. Pinch me!  It feels like a dream.  See you all soon. We miss everyone.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Taylor's Event

We enjoyed a nice meal, good socializing, and some very fine music from a live orchestra at Taylor's new campus. From left to right: Moaz, Jim Dale, Jim Leonard our program director, yours truly, Tom Cooke, Anne Cooke and Amy.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Strauss & Beethoven

Tom and Anne are with us from Canada. We are having a very comfortable time hanging out.  We escaped the realities of life during a 2 hour concert featuring Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat, The Emperor and and Strauss' An Alpine Symphony. After the concert we sang karaoke for three plus hours. A fine day it turned out to be.