Sunday, November 29, 2009

Nice Smiles eh?

A visit to KL. Smiling under a cool tree on a hot day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Book

I began writing a book quite some years ago. The content of the book encourages people to break from capitalism and pursue their passions. The book takes a close look at the impact of capitalism on individual ambitions. I'm putting the finishing touches on it and will have it published soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Canon Rebel Amateur

My friend Jim let me use his Canon Rebel for a few hours at the zoo. I had an awesome time scanning people and animals, looking for some unique shots. I had to be very patient but
I think I caught a few. Have a look!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Palm Pilot

My palm pilot is so "handy", I never forget a thing anymore!

Laugh it Up!

Brian & Kim tied the knot, Amy & I celebrated with them!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Five

There are days when I could head straight back to Wasaga Beach, just to get a good hug from my five. I'm really hoping to see them all before June 2010, that's just too far away. Sometimes, even in the missing bonding happens.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mardi Gras & the Carnival of Colors

Amy got all colored up for our Annual Taylor's Staff Event. The theme was Carnival of Colors. Amy looked awesome with those beautiful blue eyes and that heart-warming smile she wears. Up for grabs, for best costume, were five prizes: RM1000.00, RM 800.00, RM 600.00, RM 300.00 and RM 100.00. Amy wanted a big piece of that CASH action!

We got on the staff bus and headed to the event!

Amy placed in the money, the five best costumes were selected to go up on stage and compete for cold hard cash! Amy was one of them!

After much noise from the crowd, it was established that Amy and her Mardi Gras costume won 2nd place for RM800.00. Not bad at all! She did an amazing dance as well with those smooth moves of hers.

Now that's gonna pay for a few trips! Way to go Amy...YOU ROCK! as always. What a smile eh?

Another great shot! Look in the background. Amy made the big screen. A star is born! YES...

Lets play rough for a bit. Bring it!

Amy and her new friends, Slim and Sky Head

Pick Meeeeeeeeeeeee...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Back scratch fever!

A camel giving himself a body scratch or a massage...Who knows, but he was working that tree quite hard.

Zoo Action !

This trainer used a whistle to command the eagle to fly from one end of the open area to another and land on the arm of another trainer. The wing span is amazing.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Zoo Negara Malaysia

Amy the brave. Yes, that's a Python, a huge Python, wrapped around her body.  This snake weighs 50 kilos. It began wrapping itself around Amy's neck. At one point, she withered as it slithered at her face.  She enjoyed the experience and none of the other teachers took on the Python. Goooooo Aimers!

Slithering Slimey Slug!

I was gonna let that swamp beast wrap himself around my body but my pants were warm and wet...So, I let Amy have the spot light.

We chaperoned our students to the Zoo Negara near K.L. They rose early this morning, 6:30 am, to head to the Zoo. They all volunteered 8 hours of work at the Zoo to fulfill their required community hours for grade 12. Some shovelled elephant dung while others did all sorts of odd jobs throughout the blistering heated day.

Us teachers who accompanied these dedicated students, spent the day wandering around the zoo. We got some cool shots of some cool animals. After this picture, I wrestled that beast to the ground and stole his lunch. I showed him who's boss!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Chanty & Rick R coming!

We are ecstatic! Chanty & Rick, our first Canadian guests arrive December 23rd and will be here with us for Christmas and New Year’s. We plan on showing them "life" Malaysia style with a few trips to other countries close by such as Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and Hakuna Matata… Wait ! Hakuna Matata means “no worries”. Well then…we will enjoy a month of no worries while they're here. The picture below is their recovery nest from our daily events. 

It's a Date

I finally asked that cute English teacher out on a date. She showed up all pretty, cute, and smiley. I bit my knuckle silently when she wasn't looking. Wow! what a babe!
We're going to the Zoo tomorrow. I'm hoping to hook up with some old friends and monkey around like in the old days.

Christmas Presents

We just packaged our Christmas presents for friends and family in Canada. We shipped them the other day. It takes a couple of months but they should arrive in good shape because they really pack the shipping vehicles well here. So Merry early Christmas to all!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lemon Tops

This is one of those pictures that I worked hard for because Curley and Moe turned the other way everytime I directed Jim's Canon Rebel lens in their direction. Eventually I had to hide in the crowd and catch them off guard. They were attending the Motorcycle Grand Prix with their yellow tops. This shot was taken from quite a distance with a zoom lens.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Amy, trees and me

One of our adventures, a very unique, man made tree in Kuala Lumpur, and a little cuddling.

Terry Fox 2009 KL

These students from our Canadian Program, rose at 5:45 am to board two buses at 6:15 am and they volunteered their time until 1:00 pm at the Annual Terry Fox Cancer Research Event in Kuala Lumpur. It was quite impressive to see their dedication to the cause.

Lindsay & Christine are two teachers from Taylor's College who also chaperoned the students. It was well worth the effort. There were wall to wall people running for the Terry Fox cause. I am so proud to be Canadian, especially that day, when the host explained that Terry Fox is a young Canadian who tried to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research.

Jimmy Hendrix even showed up..and we all thought that he was dead...I think his time was 7 km in 55 minutes.

 At one point I wasn't sure which way to go.